
„Excellence is a gradual result of always striving to do better.``

The need to use consultants these days can be of crucial importance to your business.

Due to his huge international experience, Cornelius Baltus has become an international specialist in the cultural sector. If you are in need of concepts for new theatre productions or needing support for general production management, you should not hesitate and contact CBProductions. Having been responsible for the management of his own created productions (including budget), he is used to budgeting or sharing his international contacts to create possible co-productions with cost-sharing models.

Having been responsible and worked with huge groups of people in theatre companies around the world for more than 20 years, he can be called an expert in guiding and creating new group dynamics.

One of his techniques he has used for 10 years is a self-developed method based on View Points. View Points was developed in the 70’s by Anne Bogart and Tina Landau in New York. A technique to create awareness of yourself and your surroundings, but also teaching you about communication through subconscious and conscious body language. This theatre technique can be used for team-building in companies, agencies and organizations as well as in schools. It will open up a new point of view (View Point) and can lead to discovering new strategies in every area of your business/school or theatre. Awareness and inventiveness, so to speak creative awareness, can give your company the push you are looking for.

© CBProductions


From general
production management
to concepts for new theatre productions

Consulting for team building
and change management

Personal coaching

Interested in more?

Let’s start to improve yourself or/and your company as of today!